Reminiscing : I received an interesting email a few months back, despite our numerous spam, however, this email was a little different, as the people writing this email seemed to be calling out for help. They were a small hotel here in Kuala Lumpur and were seeking assistance from people in the trade to assist in their community project. I was surprised that they were doing this for next to no monetary value, and as such this touched all of us at Pretty In White. In fact, we decided that it was our time to do our fair bit for the local community and so we decided to give them a chance and called them up …..

As such, we are very pleased to be The Heritage Station Hotel, Kuala Lumpur’s official partner for their pre wedding community events. We do hope that all the couples we have come into contact with has enjoyed their experience in our very own Pretty In White’s Wedding Gowns! We definitely look forward to the next event!